Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Fight to Finish

It’s only when you lose your enemy that you understand his value. It dawns on you that there would be no one to fight with, as fight itself is an element of survival in life.

I started fighting even before I was born; down there in the womb, I started fighting for my own share of the meals, it wasn’t an easy fight during labor, as the midwives insisted I came out with my head.

Ever since I was born, fighting had become a routine. I have lost count of how many fights I have been in, those I won and those I lost. My greatest fear is not losing a fight, but my fear is not fighting because I thought I would lose, only to realize later that I would have won if I had fought.

Time has been my biggest opponent, every day of my life I fight with time, most times he gives me blows that keeps it ahead, it’s either I missed an appointment because I was 30 minutes late or I have 5 more minutes to catch up with the next flight.

Life itself is a tournament and surviving is my greatest opponent. We all fight to succeed; we fight to have six figures in our accounts; fight to secure our friends or scare away enemies.

Whenever you are knocked out in a fight, don’t just lie there. Stand up, clean yourself up and demand for a rematch. You only lose when there is no life in you; as long as you breathe you have to always fight.
It’s either you fight and have a hold on life, or you can allow life to keep its hold on you.

Augustus Bill

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