One day it shall be a blissful remembrance of how we
passed through that beautiful entrance, into this excellence, discipline, and
self reliance globe, with our dreams in a big brown envelope; the
administrative staffs that embraced us with radiant beaming, the non- academic
staffs that took us as pleasant darlings, the banks that saluted us as buoyant
mayors, and our lecturers that became our constant mentors.
The journey of our dreams had just begun; our quest to be
genuine giants in this citadel of excellence, and the search has for our true
identity which is revealed outside the prying eyes of our guardians had just
A lot of people
think they stayed in this school long enough to be called elders, they would
walk up to us to say a lot of boring shit in the name of advice. Somehow we
know nothing, so we just sit and listen; sometimes we do so out of respect,
other times because we want to hear something, regardless of how true the gist
is. After all the more lies spread, the sooner it might be accepted as truth in
some angles.
By now you must have received a dozen fliers containing
some kind of irritating information on different aspects ranging from Campus
Fellowship, Politics, Job Opportunities and many more. Don’t worry, we are
bound to receive more, but in case you want to discard any of them, like I know
we might naturally want to, please don’t litter the campus, you can learn some
basketball skills by throwing them inside the nearest waste bin. It is called
free-throw, and no one will harass you.
They must have told you that you can’t cross the Campus
gate, if you are indecently dressed. They might be right, but the girl sitting
next to me at the moment is flaunting the cleavage of her round orange breasts,
and I bet her lingerie must show if she bends to pick a pen. Oh! She didn’t use
the gate, she probably used the fence or maybe she is decently dressed, after
all, indecent dressing is just a dress code you morally perceive to be bad.
Meanwhile another man’s meat is another man’s poison.
We shall hear a lot of advice, even from psychopaths
that need rehab; they shall all advice us, because we are freshers. But only
the fools among us shall heed to all the advice, the wise shall scan and
sieve the best.
Just like #OneNigerianGirl said, never fall prey to the
whims of the stereotype bullies, who will want you to use mascara and brown
powder because they think it will make you more beautiful, or wear bum shorts,
because they think you have the kind of sexy legs the guys want.
Nobody has the right to set the moral path for you. You
are the one to decide the path you wish to follow in this journey to
Don’t expect your lecturers to come to class at the
scheduled date and time, but always expect to answer questions from what they
didn’t teach during exams and quizzes. Anyway I would thank my lecturers for
those times they never came to class, because that was the time I used in
developing myself.
Be careful with the number of courses you may wish to
carryover, so as to avoid staying behind after your mates leave for Chibok to
serve our fatherland. Starting your academic mansion on an F foundation is like
breeding a scorpion that would sting you after it has grown fat from your
Today, we feel happy embarking on this journey to graduation;
we hope to leave wonderful legacies that will blow our trumpets after we
graduate from this campus of Excellence, Discipline, and Self Reliance.
Until then...
Augustus Bill
recognize the intellectual creativity of OGBONNAYA CHINEDU, a graduate of
UNIZIK. Your poem inspired my write up. Thanks
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