Sunday, 27 September 2015

The Last Moments

2 years ago, some trousers and skirts walked into an unholy abode. They were met with different rules and stringent instructions that they must obey.

Each of them came for the Ultimate search of the treasure that lies behind a 4yrs journey.

On arrival, they were asked to enter a concentration camp, where they would pass through different stages of screening and tests that would qualify them for the 4yrs journey.

In all, they were nothing less than 300, but only 30 or less would make it out of the camp alive. In bits and stages, they would be grilled, nurtured and tortured, and like Gold, the best shall make it.

Many had to quit, even before the training began, for them they can't stand the pain of the tongue torture they got from their trainees, who painted it on their faces, that they were rejected sums; they always told them how difficult it was to make it out of the camp alive.

They instilled fear into these gents and ladies, making them think that they might be wasting time and resources for the 2yrs that they would be in camp.

Countless times, they were told of how their names were written in pencils and how they can be erased if they failed to live up to expected standards.

By, the end of the 1st year, many had collapsed and dropped aside, some still had hope for the future, but after seeing the results of the first eventful year, their hopes were replaced with despair, and they picked their belongings and left for home.

The number that was once 300, reduced abysmally to 150 or thereabout. Some are still in the camp, with little hope of making it out alive.

Few days ago, the commandant came to speak to her people, she advised them to work harder, and that if they impressed her, she would do all in her power to make sure that a reasonable number made it out of the camp into the 4yrs journey.

The hopes of these tired soldiers were again lifted.

Like sand, they have been trampled upon, wasting money and precious time to attend the lessons that never held. Nobody regards them because they are still in the concentration camp.

But these soldiers believed in themselves, they stayed together, made friends, fell in love, had sex, betrayed themselves, broke hearts studied and waited patiently for the worse.

Few months from now, there camping would be over, and few would crossover. Then shall they realize the bond that had held them for these 2yrs.

Many of them would cry on that last day, after the final screening. They would cry because they know that not all would make it, the friends they've made may leave, and they would take a joyful but emotional picture to remind them of the memories they shared.

These people are soldiers, and they deserve the best of treatment, no matter the level of program. They are humans, they are students. Many of them are my friends.

That moment would come when they would have to say bye, when they would hug and not feel like letting go. When, their lips will stick in kiss, because that may be their last.

***Feel like Crying***

I would be waiting for you with open arms of congratulatory embrace at the other side. I am sure your flight is booked already. Safe Journey to the Best side

Augustus Bill

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